旭创科技ECOC 2019演示业界首款400G QSFP-DD ER4-Lite光通信模块
数据中心光通信模块领导者苏州旭创科技有限公司9月20日宣布在爱尔兰都柏林举行的2019欧洲光纤通讯展览会(ECOC 2019)上推出业界首款 400G QSFP-DD ER4-Lite 光通信模块。这款 ER4-Lite 模块功耗低于10W,为400G DCI光互连和城域网应用提供了经济高效的解决方案。此外,旭创科技还将在此次展会上展示全面的400G产品组合,包括 400G QSFP-DD、400G OSFP和100G QSFP28 Single Lambda 光通信模块。敬请光临ECOC展会的旭创科技展位(#271),观看这些产品和现场演示。
InnoLight Technology (Suzhou) Ltd., a leader in data center optics, today announced availability of an industry first 400G QSFP-DD ER4-Lite optical transceiver at ECOC 2019 in Dublin, Ireland. The ER4-lite module, operating at 10W or below over temperature, offers the most cost effective and power efficient solution for 400G DCI campus and metro access connectivity. In addition, InnoLight will showcase the industry's most comprehensive portfolio of 400G optical transceivers, including 400G QSFP-DD, 400G OSFP, and 100G QSFP28 Single Lambda optics. See these products and live demos at InnoLight Booth #271 at ECOC.

旭创科技 400G QSFP-DD ER4 Lite 基于LWDM波分复用技术,采用了高性能的EML激光器(TOSA)和APD光探测器(ROSA)。模块内部 DSP Gearbox 用于将8通道的 25GBaud PAM4 信号转换为4通道 50GBaud PAM4 信号,在DSP中集成了收发各8通道独立时钟 Reference-free Re-timer。电口侧发射和接收端符合 IEEE 802.3bs 和 QSFP-DD MSA 标准,光口侧采用双LC连接器,符合 IEEE 802.3bs 标准。
The 400G QSFP-DD ER4-Lite incorporates EML TOSA and APD ROSA with LWDM grid Mux and De-Mux technology. A DSP gearbox is used to convert 8 channels of 25GBaud PAM4 signals into 4 channels of 50GBaud PAM4 signals. An 8-channel re-timer and FEC block are also integrated in the DSP. The electrical interface is compliant with IEEE 802.3bs and QSFP-DD MSA in the transmitting and receiving directions, and the optical interface is compliant to IEEE 802.3bs with duplex LC connector.
旭创科技首席市场官 Osa Mok 表示:“旭创的 400G QSFP-DD ER4-Lite 光通信模块支持30至40公里单模光纤传输,它采用了400G解决方案中面板端口密度最高的QSFP-DD封装方式,且实现了10W或更低功耗。该模块是解决数据中心光互联和城域应用中超高带宽需求的理想解决方案。我们还将根据要求提供OSFP版本的ER4 Lite模块。”
“Our QSFP-DD ER4-Lite optics is designed to support 400G bandwidth over 30~40km transmission distance in a single duplex fiber. It offers the highest faceplate density in QSFP-DD form factor with a low power consumption of 10W or less. This module is an ideal solution to address the ultra-high bandwidth need for connecting data center clusters in a campus or metro environment. An OSFP version of ER4-Lite will also be available upon request.” said Osa Mok, Chief Marketing Officer of InnoLight Technology.
InnoLight designs, builds and markets high-speed optical transceivers that enable rapid bandwidth expansion of next generation cloud networks. It is headquartered in Suzhou, China with offices in Beijing, Shenzhen, Taiwan, Singapore and California. InnoLight's solutions offer superior technical performance, compelling value proposition, and time to market advantages that are critical for the sustaining growth of cloud data centers. For additional information, please visit www.innolight.com.